Thursday, September 4, 2014

F R I D A Y :( 22.08.2014.


Who would've tought that we are here for almost twenty days? I can asure you, only the people at home reading this blog. We were having so much fun, we didn't even notice that the days were passing by so fast. But this day was an exception. We went to Bonn - the de facto capital of West Germany! That morning in Bonn finished really fast. Everyone will agree on that we could've had a little more time. The city is really beautiful and the University is a very good place to study in. Maybe some of us will be roommates here in Bonn while going to the University together. Who knows?

When we got to Malteserhof, we kind of had to start packing... That was the saddest part after the Fairwell ritual. We all went together to the plenery room for the last time. We sat in a circle and talked about our highlights on the camp, made rain sounds and also shared to whom we felt most connected to during the camp and why. It was a very emotional night and there were a lot of tissues used during the ritual. When the official part ended, everyone got their own envelope so others can put letters in them. This was a great opportunity to say a lot of things we didn't get a chance to. 
Some of us stayed till very late writing letters, while others were laughing in rooms when rememering all wonderful and amazing things about camp. :)

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